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Quote: aceofspades
disturbing sight was a pregnant woman drinking a glass of wine with her husband and
friends - just lovely
I could maybe see a person or two legitimately not knowing how unbelievably stupid that is (hey, they found a jury for the Roger Clemens trial...), but not one person in a GROUP thought to mention the danger?
Hmmm...maybe she was not pregnant but instead had a giant tumor from that time that she drank the glowing green ooze from the TGRI plant up the road?
Edit: is it bad that my first thought on reading that was "Jane, you ignorant slut"
Quote: aceofspadesdisturbing sight was a pregnant woman drinking a glass of wine with her husband and
friends - just lovely
Red wine? If it's a single glass then it's a non-issue, now if she's drunk then that's an entirely different situation.
Quote: ahiromuRed wine? If it's a single glass then it's a non-issue, now if she's drunk then that's an entirely different situation.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with drinking a single glass of red wine when you are pregnant. It is actually recommended by many doctors and midwifes.
Quote: pacomartinThere is absolutely nothing wrong with drinking a single glass of red wine when you are pregnant. It is actually recommended by many doctors and midwifes.
You are better at finding these links. Please refer to one doctor that RECOMMENDS any alcoholic consumption during pregnancy.
that ends an aceofspades-itorial - time to shower, have breakfast and take a quick walk on the boardwalk for some fresh ocean air then back to the tables!!!
Quote: SOOPOOYou are better at finding these links. Please refer to one doctor that RECOMMENDS any alcoholic consumption during pregnancy.
While binge drinking is still harmful, pregnant women can safely consume small amounts of alcohol. Drinking just a little could also help pregnant women relax, Kelly said. Plenty of recent studies have pointed out the risk of maternal stress to fetal development. A relaxed parenting style could be beneficial, too.
I have heard doctors advise women that drinking helps them relax. They are usually very careful about the second drink, and not drinking daily. However, I admit, that they are reluctant to put it in writing, as it exposes them to lawsuits.
While binge drinking is still harmful, pregnant women can safely consume small amounts of alcohol. Drinking just a little could also help pregnant women relax, Kelly said. Plenty of recent studies have pointed out the risk of maternal stress to fetal development. A relaxed parenting style could be beneficial, too.
I have heard doctors advise women that drinking helps them relax. They are usually very careful about the second drink, and not drinking daily. However, I admit, that they are reluctant to put it in writing, as it exposes them to lawsuits.
I read the article. I stand by my original question. Can you refer to ONE doctor that RECOMMENDS any alcoholic consumption during pregnancy. You say you have 'heard' doctors advise women that drinking helps them relax. Can you name one that you 'heard'? None of the people mentioned in that article have an M.D. after their name. Why would someone be reluctant to put something in writing if there is EVIDENCE that is factual?
By the way, just to be clear, if I was asked by a pregnant women "Is drinking one glass of wine a week while pregnant OK?", my answer would be this-
It is likely to be OK, but there is no way to be sure. It is clear that excessive drinking is linked with bad outcomes for a baby. It is not clear exactly when minor damage might start. So I would recommend against you drinking any alcohol during your pregnancy."
Quote: SOOPOOIt is likely to be OK, but there is no way to be sure. It is clear that excessive drinking is linked with bad outcomes for a baby. It is not clear exactly when minor damage might start. So I would recommend against you drinking any alcohol during your pregnancy."
Compare this mild warning to the blast some were giving the poor lady in question. Don't remember if you were one of them.
While binge drinking is still harmful, pregnant women can safely consume small amounts of alcohol. Drinking just a little could also help pregnant women relax, Kelly said. Plenty of recent studies have pointed out the risk of maternal stress to fetal development. A relaxed parenting style could be beneficial, too.
I have heard doctors advise women that drinking helps them relax. They are usually very careful about the second drink, and not drinking daily. However, I admit, that they are reluctant to put it in writing, as it exposes them to lawsuits.
Date of issue 10/6/10? Can you give us something a little more up to date?
The only problem with light and moderate drinking is that people either can't hold themselves from stepping it up or misunderstand what "light" or "moderate" means. That watered-down insult of a martini you get in a casino, or an ordinary 0.33 beer? That's your light drinking for the day.
pregnant women drink like fish and smoke
packs of cigarettes a day. And the kids these
days seem far more screwed up than the kids
born in the 50's and 60's.
When I was in grade school I don't remember
more than maybe 2 or 3 obese kids in the
whole school. I was at a red light this week
as a school loaded kids onto busses, and
my god! The fat circus was in town. I've never
seen so many grossly obese kids in one place in
my life. Some were so fat their eyes were squeezed
shut. Maybe drinking and smoking in pregnancy curbs the
appetites of kids when they're growing, wouldn't
that be a hoot.

Quote:The ethanol drip was used in obstetrics for threatened
premature labor.
One of few medical uses of ethanol.
Involved I.V. ethanol infusion for 6–10 hours, reaching BAC
as high as 160 mg/dl
First report — Fuchs, F., et al., Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol., 99:627 (1967)
I am not arguing either side, just saying that it is logically inconsistent to advocate for pregnant women drinking while supporing the ban for selling alcohol to kids under 1 yo.
Quote: FinsRuleJust because it might not be beneficial, doesn't mean it should be criminal. I think my wife had a 1/2 of a beer once during the pregnancy, I think jail might be a bit harsh.
Serving alcohol to minors is criminal ... so, why not?
On the other hand, like in all cases of criminal offense, police (and prosecution) have a lot of discretion. If I let my son drink half a beer once a year, it is not likely, that I would be prosecuted for it.
Quote: weaselmanServing alcohol to minors is criminal ... so, why not?
The riskiest time for a pregnant woman to drink alcohol is during the 1st trimester, when their pregnancy typically isn't visible to bartenders. The obvious solution is to pass a law requiring all women to submit to a pregnancy test before being served alcohol. Just in case.
Quote: renoThe riskiest time for a pregnant woman to drink alcohol is during the 1st trimester, when their pregnancy typically isn't visible to bartenders. The obvious solution is to pass a law requiring all women to submit to a pregnancy test before being served alcohol. Just in case.
Nah, pregnancy test can be faked (or you could carry someone else's). I think, it's a better idea to require a letter signed by an MD, on an official letterhead, listing first and last name of the patient, social security number, age, and the date of last period. Combined with a government issued form of identification, this should be sufficient.
Quote: weaselmanNah, pregnancy test can be faked (or you could carry someone else's). I think, it's a better idea to require a letter signed by an MD, on an official letterhead, listing first and last name of the patient, social security number, age, and the date of last period. Combined with a government issued form of identification, this should be sufficient.
I'm afraid it's not. The letter could have been valid on the day she drank, but that evening, she gets pregnant. She uses the same letterhead the next night, and now you have a lawsuit on your hands.
IN ADDITION to all the above, there should be a detailed reports of all activity before being served a drink. This must be verified by each partner, signed in front of a notary. Lying would result in the death penalty AFTER the woman conceives (so as not to take the infant's life).
Quote: TiltpoulI'm afraid it's not. The letter could have been valid on the day she drank, but that evening, she gets pregnant. She uses the same letterhead the next night, and now you have a lawsuit on your hands.
If she got pregnant last night, a pregnancy test won't show it either. I guess, we'll just have to take her word for it.
Ask her to sign an affidavit, stating under penalties of perjury, that she was not involved in an intercourse since the date on the letter.